Tonight: Meet J.C. Sassar - Author of Gradle Bird
Tonight is the second Tuesday of the month and attendees of the January 23rd meeting of the Savannah Writers Group to be held at 7 PM at Uncle Maddio's Pizza will share in the distinct pleasure of meeting J. C. Sassar, author of Gradle Bird . Biography I was born in Savannah, Georgia and grew up in a small town called Metter, sixty miles northwest. I first discovered writing through sound. As an infant, I crawled around the ankles of two of the best storytellers I’ve ever heard, my maternal grandmother and true Southern queen, Rubye Trapnell Becker, and my father, Hugh Esten Cromartie Jr., a legendary whitetail deer hunter and T-4 paraplegic with no legs. When I was old enough to make requests, I’d ask them to tell my favorite stories over and over again, sometimes four or five times in a row. The plots were not what I found most interesting. It was the way they told these stories that never got old.