Happy 2018 Writerly Darlings!
Happy New Year one and all!
This year the Savannah Writers Group is meeting regularly at a familiar location. We have officially returned to Uncle Maddio's Pizza, the home of good food and a good-sized private area ideal for our meetings.
Meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month like clockwork at 7 PM.
Not sure what to expect from a meeting? Generally, there's little need to be shy! Attending a meeting is like having dinner with new friends. We are very friendly folks from all manner of backgrounds. We vary in age and in experience with the writing craft. Some of us are published authors, while some just love reading and writing and wish to learn more about it. We discuss writerly topics, share readings of our work (which encompasses everything from poetry and memoir, to historical fiction, to speculative fiction, and scholarly essays), receive feedback and constructive criticism, listen to talks from invited speakers, and occasionally publish our own work... Speaking of which...
Be on the lookout for more information regarding an upcoming special event. On 13 February at 4 PM at the Pooler Public Library, we plan to share once again some selected readings from our book, TRIBUTARIES: An Anthology of the Savannah Writers Group.
In case you missed another special announcement, late last year SWG Member Lynne Bendoly was honored in the 2017 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards. Her illustrations in Grandma's Face Tells her Story, written by Elaine McKay, won Honorable Mention in the category of Best Children's Picture Books for Age 5 and Younger. Congratulations Lynne!
As for myself, I had a noteworthy experience last last year also. I had the great pleasure of attending for the second year in a row: YALLFEST, Charleston's big and beautiful young adult book festival.
There were book signings, swag giveaways, and amazing panels to attend. I was personally able to meet and collect signatures from a few of my literary heroes, best selling authors Laini Taylor (pictured above with her famous pink hair), Leigh Bardgo (pictured below--she's the fab blonde and I'm the hysterically smiling gal in black), and Stephanie Garber, author of CARAVAL.
Taylor has written the beloved Daughter of Smoke and Bone series and Bardugo is treasured as the mistress of the Six of Crows duology.
I also had sightings of Tomi Adeyemi (Children of Blood and Bone), Patrick Ness (A Monster Calls), and Angie Thomas (The Hate U Give). I heard talks from the AMAZING Maggie Stiefvater (The Scorpio Races), Cassandra Clare (City of Bones), Marissa Meyer (Heartless), Soman Chainani (The School for Good and Evil), Samantha Mabry (All the Wind in the World), Jeff Giles (The Edge of Everything), Katherine Locke (The Girl with the Red Balloon), and Ryan Graudin (Wolf by Wolf).
It was a whirlwind, grand time.
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