Newsletter News
Hello! As you may know, one of our members, Sophia Alexander, is generously starting a newsletter which will be sent out semi-regularly announcing meetings, programs, and the like. If you did not receive or respond yet to an earlier email and would like to be on the SWG Newsletter mailing list, please reply to with a subject of "Yes". No message is necessary. If your email is not set up automatically to save all addresses to whom you send, I suggest that you add Sophia's address to your contacts list so that her messages won't be sent to your Junk/Spam folder. (Alternatively, you can use our fancy new widget on the right hand column of the blog, which should be available on the web version, though it may not be showing up if you are on a cell phone.) If you have any questions about the newsletter, please contact Sophia at the address in the link. Many thanks to members who have taken on some of the managerial tasks since I retired ...