
Showing posts from February, 2016

Tues 23 FEB - SWG Meeting with Guest Speaker, Gregory P. Scott

A t the next meeting of the Savannah Writers Group we welcome our friend and fellow SWG Member, guest speaker Mr. Gregory P. Scott, as he introduces his new book:   A Rose Only A Mother Could Love    This is a collection of original short stories that take place in Everytown, USA. This book was published in the fall of 2015. The local author is  Gregory P. Scott .  Mr. Scott is a native of Brooklyn, New York.   He is a graduate of John Jay College of Criminal Justice and a United States Marine Corps Veteran. Presently, he resides in Savannah, Georgia. This is the first book published by this author. Books are his passion and he hopes that this will be the first of many. His goal is to write interesting books that can be read fast …like a rocket. This lead to the name of his books being published under the cover of Rocket Reading. To purchase a book or to contact the author, you can email him at...

Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions Exit 271: Your Georgia Writers Resource, Winter 2016 Exit 271: Your Georgia Writers Resource, the new digital magazine brought to you by the Georgia Writers Association. We are asking for feature articles (1000-2000 words),  writer’s path column, short fiction (under 4000 words), poetry, and artwork for the magazine cover. All writers and artists must currently live in Georgia. Feature articles are theme related and pay $50 per article. Creative writing pieces and cover art are on a rolling basis. Writers of feature articles must first send an email query to . For this month’s theme, submission guidelines, or to submit, please click the button below. Feature Article submissions must be from Georgia writers. Features for the spring 2016 issue will focus on promotion . Feature article writers must query (pitch) first to . We like articles that are humorous, quirky, or adventurous. We lik...

Happy February!

Friends of Writing, Do remember that we meet every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. This month that means we will have meetings on the 9th and the 23rd. Until further notice, our meetings still happen at 7 PM at our regular spot, The Atlanta Bread Company at Twelve Oaks Shopping Center. This month we would like to seriously discuss other possible meeting locations. When suggesting a new location, it would be helpful if you go ahead and touch base with someone there, to ensure it is free to use and no one would mind hosting a group of writers at our usual time. We will compile a list of potential places and have a vote.