
Showing posts from July, 2014

Create, Experience, Share, Learn!

Hi Sasha, Another round of creative writing courses begins in a couple of weeks at the Coastal Georgia Center.  Short Story starts Aug. 11, and Memoir begins Oct. 20.  Please share with your Savannah Writers Group membership.  Would love to see new faces and help support the local writing community. Many, many thanks!   ~Amy Paige Condon

SWG Meeting, TUES 22 July

J uly isn't over yet, folks! We have a meeting tonight. Here's a peek at the upcoming calendar. Don't forget to RSVP with Susan if you plan to attend our Summer Dinner gathering. JULY 2014 Tuesday, July 22nd:  The Savannah Writers Group will meet at 7PM at The Atlanta Bread Company. AUGUST 2014 Tuesday, August 12th: The Savannah Writers Group will meet at 7PM at The Atlanta Bread Company. Tuesday, August 26th: DINNER! The Savannah Writers Group will meet at 7PM at Fiddler’s Seafood!

Coming up in August

  Please respond to Susan’s email address: O ur Summer dinner will be held on Tuesday, August 12th @ Fiddler’s Seafood , which is located at 7201 Hodgson Memorial. We owe the restaurant a call beforehand with a number of seats needed, so please remember to RSVP or else we cannot guarantee you a seat! Remember, our dinner meetings are just for fun, getting to know each other, and socializing – we will not be sharing writing during this event. If you would like to attend the dinner meeting on August 12, at 7:00 PM at Fiddler’s Seafood , email Susan, who has graciously offered to be our liaison with the restaurant.  Use the subject line “SWG Dinner” and include the number who will be attending.  Thank you so much, Susan! Yes, we will also meet  on Tuesday, August 12th at 7PM at The Atlanta Bread Company, as usual.

SWG Meeting Tonight! Tuesday, July 8th

From Sally's Desk; Hello, Fellow Writers! I hope you enjoyed your 4 th of July weekend! I also hope that you will be attending our next meeting, Tuesday, July 8, a t 7:00 PM at Atlanta Bread Company, in the Twelve Oaks Shopping Center on Abercorn Street. This week will be devoted to discussing/planning our annual summer dinner in August, recruiting speakers, other business as needed, and sharing our works. If there is time, we may respond to a writing prompt, so bring your keyboard or pen/pencil and paper. As per our guidelines, those who desire written critique and who bring sufficient copies of their work and the Critique Sheet will be given first consideration. (Our guidelines ask for six to ten copies of each, but with our larger numbers lately, you may want to bring more – perhaps up to fifteen.) After that, readings just for enjoyment/sharing will be entertained. I have had extraordinary good fortune is securing several delightful spe...