Coming up in August
Please respond to Susan’s email address:
Our Summer dinner will be held on Tuesday, August 12th @ Fiddler’s Seafood, which is located at 7201 Hodgson Memorial. We owe the restaurant a call beforehand with a number of seats needed, so please remember to RSVP or else we cannot guarantee you a seat!
our dinner meetings are just for fun, getting to know each other, and
socializing – we will not be sharing writing during this event.
If you would like to attend the dinner meeting on August 12, at 7:00 PM at Fiddler’s Seafood,
email Susan, who has graciously offered to be our liaison with
the restaurant.
Use the subject line “SWG Dinner” and include the
number who will be attending.
Thank you so much, Susan!
Yes, we will also meet on Tuesday, August 12th at 7PM at The Atlanta Bread Company, as usual.
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