SWG Meeting, Oct. 23rd

The next meeting of the Savannah Writer’s Group will be held October 23 at 7:00 PM, at the Atlanta Bread Company.

Our very own published member and keeper of the SWG blogspot/website, Sasha McBrayer, will be our guest speaker. By popular request, Sasha will be speaking on writing effective dialogue. Sasha asks that you bring at least six copies of one page of dialogue that you have written, perhaps from a current work in progress. After her brief talk, volunteer readers will have the opportunity to share and receive critiques from Sasha and the group.

Our friends at the Bread Company are kind enough to allow us to meet in their space gratis. Please patronize them appropriately.

As per our guidelines, we will have a brief business meeting and regular sharing if time permits after the speaker. This means you can share other things you've written, as usual. It doesn't have to include any dialogue. If you do want to share for written feedback after the more formal section of our meeting, please bring at least six copies of the Critique Sheet.
