Congrats, Lynne! Meeting Tonight!
We'd like to extend a hearty congratulations to Savannah Writers Group Member Lynne Bendoly whose fabulous illustrations will be published in the new book Dragon Kids . Lynne had the opportunity to show the proof of the book at our last meeting. The title will be published by Publish America. That's not all the good news! E-Treasures has also agreed to publish Lynne's book, Princess and Unicorn . Lynne now has 5 publications to her name! In other news, the next meeting of the Savannah Writers Group will be held Tuesday, August 28 th at 7:00 PM at the Atlanta Bread Company, Twelve Oaks Shopping Center. That's tonight, folks! Don't forget to check this blog for information regarding the Crossroads Writers Conference in Macon, a unique paid proofreading opportunity and a Christian Writing Workshop in Savannah/ Bluffton.