Unique Paid Proofreading Opportunity

A Note From Jonah Cummings, of We Produce Audiobooks, LLC:

Hi Sally.  Thank you again for inviting me to speak to the group.  I enjoyed the time and look forward to hearing future guests.

I wanted to also let you know that I am adding Audiobook Proofreaders to our database of available talent at We Produce Audiobooks, LLC.

Audiobook Proofreaders should love reading, have excellent hearing and enjoy finding mistakes that need to be corrected.  Audiobook Proofreaders will read a PDF manuscript on a computer screen while listening to an mp3 recording of the audiobook narration making sure that the recording reflects the written manuscript verbatim. (Narrator mistakes)  In addition, Audiobook Proofreaders will be listening for audible sounds that distract a listener from the story being told (i.e. loud clicks, mouth noise, stomach rumbles, birds in the background, ambient noise, hacking breaths etc) These are noted along with actual word mistakes on an EXCEL spreadsheet so that the Audiobook Narrator and Audio Editor can make corrections to the original file.

Audiobook Proofreaders work from home and access the audio files via the Internet.  A computer with a good sound card and mp3 player capability, a reliable internet connection to upload and download mp3 audio files/spreadsheet documents, a decent pair of Monitor Headphones such as SONY MDR 7506 are required.

We pay 40 dollars per finished hour for Audiobook Proofreaders (this is usually 2 to 1 ratio depending on each individual-meaning that it takes two actual hours to get one "finished hour")

Should anyone in the group be interested in becoming one our Audiobook Proofreaders or if they know of someone who might be interested in this type of work, please have them drop me an e-mail at jonah@weproduceaudiobooks.com or they can call the studio directly (912) 988-1434.  Thank You!

Best Regards,

Jonah Cummings
(912) 988-1434 Studio
(912) 441-2737 Mobile
