Location, Location, Location!

It is right back to Uncle Maddio's Pizza Joint for the next meeting of the Savannah Writers Group! 

Although we have been meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday night at the Asian River restaurant, that meeting location is no longer an option. Please join us on Tuesday, 24 OCT at 7 PM @ Uncle Maddios, near World Market and Chili's in Chatham Plaza, across from the Oglethorpe Mall.

Meeting business will include voting on a new regular meeting location.

Meetings of the Savannah Writers Group are always free and open to the public. Please join our family and don't be shy! We welcome all types of writers, from those with a casual interest to those with multiple publications on their resumes.

I'm proud to mention the success of our recent publication: TRIBUTARIES: An Anthology of the Savannah Writers Group. The book is chock full of over 50 works of poetry and prose (everything from science fiction to mystery to memoir style work) written by twenty Savannah Writers Group authors. The book is on sale on Amazon in both soft cover and e-book format.

Earlier this month we enjoyed a formal book launch thanks to our friends over at the Learning Center. There were readings, book sales, book signings, fellowship, and refreshment. When Lynne Bendoly read an except from her story "A Treasure in a Theater" (PG 14), the children's book author and illustrator had the audience in stitches! There wasn't a frown to be found in the room, which was filled with riotous laughter. What a delight! But it was when Sally Rountree Klein read to us a sample of her essay "Sanctified" (PG 37) that you could hear a pin drop despite the packed nature of the room. All in all it was a beautiful evening. The group presented me with roses and with their thanks for my role as senior editor of the volume. I was honored beyond words.
