
Showing posts from October, 2016

On the Move - Cancun Mexican Rest. 25 OCT

Hello friends of writing! As you know, the Savannah Writers Group meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Our meetings are free and open to the public. Our members range from published academics, book authors and short story writers, to casual fans of the written word. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 25 October @ 7 pm. It will be held at Cancun Mexican Restuarant in the Twelve Oaks shopping plaza. The address is 5500 Abercorn Street, St # 31. Its right around the corner from our old haunt, Atlanta Bread Company. We are on the move these days. Though we enjoyed moving from Atlanta bread to Uncle Maddio's Pizza, the pizza joint is closed for business and Atlanta bread is closed for renovations. Stay tuned for future developments.