Tuesday, 26 April SWG Meeting
Here is the updated survey for tomorrow night's meeting!
See you at Uncle Maddio's Pizza!
Savannah Writers Group
Group member survey Opportunities
for amendments to current meeting format
April 26, 2016
Scope of Writers Group
1. Should we dedicate our group to creative fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, and poetry i.e. should we exclude technical / academic writing)?
□ NO
IF YES, please comment on how to communicate this exclusion (ie, at meetings, via blog, etc.)
Continuity and Responsibility for Group
2. Should our group have official leaders or officers?
□ NO
2a. IF YES, what positions / structure should we have? (We currently have a blogspot manager and an email/communications manager.) Please mark all that you feel apply.
□ Leader/ President
□ Secretary
□ Treasurer
□ Blog/ web manager /editor
□ Email/ communications manager
□ Several officers of equal rank who share certain duties
□ Group leaders by style of writing
□ Subcommittee leaders who form around topics (ie, location, vetting speakers, editing)
□ Other, please explain_______________________________________________________
2b. What position (if any) would you be willing to fill?_________________________________
Content of Group Meetings
3. How often should we have presenters at our meetings?
○ Attendees are drawn to SWG for many reasons: to hear a speaker, to have their work reviewed, to simply listen, or even just to socialize with other writers. We need to decide what our goal is: to try to fulfill all of these needs, or to focus on one or two. Currently, our speakers are published writers who have been recommended by a group member. Members are free to volunteer to speak about various topics of their choice related to writing. There is also no obligation on the part of any member to find a presenter.
□ Each meeting
□ Once a month
□ Once a quarter
□ A couple of times a year
□ When available, but no more than once a month
□ No set intervals, just when available
□ We shouldn’t have presenters in our meetings
4. How should we find presenters for our meetings?
□ Open invitation on blogspot or through membership
□ A combination of open invitation and recruitment by members/committee
□ Subcommittee
recruits individuals
□ Members required to fulfill quota of proposing speakers to subcommittee
□ Other, please specify_________________________________________________
4a. Should presenters be vetted? ____Yes____No
If yes, who should do the vetting?
____Blog/ web manager /editor
____Speaker Recruiter
____Member who recommends the speaker
5. What sort of qualifications do our presenters need?
□ None
□ None: submit topic / outline to officer, member, or subcommittee for approval
□ Some sort of editing, teaching, or publishing qualifications
□ Other, please specify__________________________________________________
6. What is the best format for sharing work?
□ Large group only, so that every member listens and responds to each other's' works
□ Large group followed by small interest/genre groups where work will be shared and critiqued/reviewed
□ Large group for Tuesday meetings, followed by small groups at another time
□ Other, please specify_________________________________________________
Rules for Sharing Work
○ Currently, we limit members to about six pages of content or 15 minutes of time for
presentation and feedback. If a member wants feedback, he or she must bring enough
copies of the work to divvy up accordingly.
7. As we operate now, in one large group, should there be a limit on individuals sharing work?
Our blogspot currently mentions 6 pages as a limit but does not specify a time limit.
□ Yes, the current limit of 6 pages works well.
□ Yes, but I’d be in favor of making the page limit greater.
□ Yes, but I’d be in favor of making the page limit shorter.
□ Yes, but I’d prefer to have a TIME limit and it should be _________ minutes
□ No, there should be no time or content limit.
□ Other, please specify_________________________________________________________
7a. Would the size of the group listening change the amount of time allotted?
If NOT, skip to next question; if yes, please specify___________________________________
8. If we were to change our format to break into smaller critique groups, should those have time or page number limits?
□ NO
If yes, please specify what you feel the limit should be (or suggest other ideas for how to divide the time among group participants if this question did not capture your idea).
Format of Sharing Work
9. Would you be in favor of sharing group members’ work electronically?
○ Currently, we have no avenue to present work electronically nor any expectation that work be reviewed ahead of time electronically.
□ NO
If yes, please specify the format you’d prefer._____________________________________
See you at Uncle Maddio's Pizza!
Savannah Writers Group
Group member survey Opportunities
for amendments to current meeting format
April 26, 2016
Scope of Writers Group
1. Should we dedicate our group to creative fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, and poetry i.e. should we exclude technical / academic writing)?
□ NO
IF YES, please comment on how to communicate this exclusion (ie, at meetings, via blog, etc.)
Continuity and Responsibility for Group
2. Should our group have official leaders or officers?
□ NO
2a. IF YES, what positions / structure should we have? (We currently have a blogspot manager and an email/communications manager.) Please mark all that you feel apply.
□ Leader/ President
□ Secretary
□ Treasurer
□ Blog/ web manager /editor
□ Email/ communications manager
□ Several officers of equal rank who share certain duties
□ Group leaders by style of writing
□ Subcommittee leaders who form around topics (ie, location, vetting speakers, editing)
□ Other, please explain_______________________________________________________
2b. What position (if any) would you be willing to fill?_________________________________
Content of Group Meetings
3. How often should we have presenters at our meetings?
○ Attendees are drawn to SWG for many reasons: to hear a speaker, to have their work reviewed, to simply listen, or even just to socialize with other writers. We need to decide what our goal is: to try to fulfill all of these needs, or to focus on one or two. Currently, our speakers are published writers who have been recommended by a group member. Members are free to volunteer to speak about various topics of their choice related to writing. There is also no obligation on the part of any member to find a presenter.
□ Each meeting
□ Once a month
□ Once a quarter
□ A couple of times a year
□ When available, but no more than once a month
□ No set intervals, just when available
□ We shouldn’t have presenters in our meetings
4. How should we find presenters for our meetings?
□ Open invitation on blogspot or through membership
□ A combination of open invitation and recruitment by members/committee
□ Subcommittee
recruits individuals
□ Members required to fulfill quota of proposing speakers to subcommittee
□ Other, please specify_________________________________________________
4a. Should presenters be vetted? ____Yes____No
If yes, who should do the vetting?
____Blog/ web manager /editor
____Speaker Recruiter
____Member who recommends the speaker
5. What sort of qualifications do our presenters need?
□ None
□ None: submit topic / outline to officer, member, or subcommittee for approval
□ Some sort of editing, teaching, or publishing qualifications
□ Other, please specify__________________________________________________
6. What is the best format for sharing work?
□ Large group only, so that every member listens and responds to each other's' works
□ Large group followed by small interest/genre groups where work will be shared and critiqued/reviewed
□ Large group for Tuesday meetings, followed by small groups at another time
□ Other, please specify_________________________________________________
Rules for Sharing Work
○ Currently, we limit members to about six pages of content or 15 minutes of time for
presentation and feedback. If a member wants feedback, he or she must bring enough
copies of the work to divvy up accordingly.
7. As we operate now, in one large group, should there be a limit on individuals sharing work?
Our blogspot currently mentions 6 pages as a limit but does not specify a time limit.
□ Yes, the current limit of 6 pages works well.
□ Yes, but I’d be in favor of making the page limit greater.
□ Yes, but I’d be in favor of making the page limit shorter.
□ Yes, but I’d prefer to have a TIME limit and it should be _________ minutes
□ No, there should be no time or content limit.
□ Other, please specify_________________________________________________________
7a. Would the size of the group listening change the amount of time allotted?
If NOT, skip to next question; if yes, please specify___________________________________
8. If we were to change our format to break into smaller critique groups, should those have time or page number limits?
□ NO
If yes, please specify what you feel the limit should be (or suggest other ideas for how to divide the time among group participants if this question did not capture your idea).
Format of Sharing Work
9. Would you be in favor of sharing group members’ work electronically?
○ Currently, we have no avenue to present work electronically nor any expectation that work be reviewed ahead of time electronically.
□ NO
If yes, please specify the format you’d prefer._____________________________________
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