
Showing posts from June, 2015

July SWG Events

JULY 2015 Tuesday, July 14th: GUEST SPEAKER, LANCE LEVENS The Savannah Writers Group will meet at 7PM at The Atlanta Bread Company. Tuesday, July 28th: SWG Annual Summer Dinner (RSVP by 15 July!) The Savannah Writers Group will meet at 7PM at Johnny Harris on Victory Drive.  Mr. Lance Levens is the author of two novels: A Kaddish for Inhuman Steadman and Tietam Cane , plus one chapbook, Jubilate , Pudding House Press.  He is also the metric moderator on the eratospshere , the largest formalist poetry web site on the Internet. Read his work here .   

Guest Speakers Gordon & Ella Mae Rayner: Tuesday, 9 June

The June meetings of the Savannah Writers Group will fall on Tuesday, 9 June and on Tuesday 23 June. At the Tuesday, 9 June meeting, we will welcome guest speakers Gordon & Ella Mae Rayner. These High School Sweethearts have led very interesting lives. Ella Mae became an RN and Gordon did a three year stint in the Marine Corps before he joined the Border Patrol and later became a Narcotics Agent with the DEA. Through all his government assignments, the family traveled with him from state to state as a unit. Thus, the two years they spent in Paraguay were just more of the same. Gordon’s work resulted in his acquiring Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and life in retirement was not the best of times. Ella Mae had written for a local newspaper before their final move to Savannah and she also knew that if Gordon would write about his work, his depression would be less of a problem. Thus the work on Foreign Service Family Style was begun. Writing therapy was a success. ...