
Showing posts from December, 2013

Happy New Year from the Savannah Writers Group!

As you look back on 2013, may you have the fondest of memories. Here's to an even better 2014! Who has some writerly resolutions for the new year!? We'd love to read them. Leave them in the comment section! Our first meeting of 2014 will take place on Tuesday, January 14 at 7 PM at The Atlanta Bread Company. Remember, we meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Please bring work you'd like to share, critique forms if you'd like feedback, and your ideas for future programs. Here are some resolutions I discovered over at: Jeff Goins' blog Write what you’re called to write. Your job is not to pander or entertain. It’s to create, to share stuff from the soul as you are moved. If others are moved, well, then that is merely coincidental. Consider it “gravy.” Your job is to write. Leave the results to the readers. Tell the truth. No matter what, regardless of what is at stake, we must write what is true — true to us and true to the world. Anything d...

Savannah Book Festival Seeks Volunteers

Book Buzz   SBF Needs You!  Volunteer for the 2014 Festival 1. Raise Your Hand It takes a village to make the Savannah Book Festival run smoothly, from helping visitors find their way to the venue where their favorite authors are speaking to counting how many seats are filled to escorting authors to the signing tent.  Come join us for a literary adventure.  To volunteer today, CLICK HERE >>     2. Southern Hospitality   To accommodate Festival-goers, the City of Savannah will provide parking in all city garages for a $5 flat rate on the main day, Feb. 15, 2014.  To plan your trip downtown, CLICK HERE >>     3. New Author Named There really is The Up Side to Down , according to author and Bloomberg View columnist  Megan McArdle , who posits that the better we fall and get back up, the more quickly we'll succeed.   Important Dates to Remember  Dec. 20 ...

Barnes and Noble Bookfair Fundraiser (Dec. 8th thru Dec. 13)

Sorry that this message is a little dated, folks, but you can support the Armstrong Atlantic Youth Orchestra by shopping the Barnes and Noble online fundraiser. Bookfair ID# 11241056 When checking out, please mention that you support the Youth Orchestra , and Barnes and Noble will donate a portion of their profits from your purchase to our fundraiser.   Shop online: Visit BN.COM/bookfairs   Dec. 8th thru Dec. 13   When checking out enter: Bookfair ID 11241056   ~I hope to see you at our holiday party Tuesday night @ 7PM @ The Crystal Beer Parlor!