Scott Turow, Mitch Albom and Eben Alexander
Blockbusters for the 2014 Savannah Book Festival.
1. Meet the Headliners
Best-selling authors Scott Turow, Mitch Albom and Eben Alexander will take the podium at Trustees Theater during the 2014 Savannah Book Festival, Presidents Day weekend, Feb. 13-16, 2014.
Turow kicks off the Festival on Thursday night, Feb. 13, with his new mystery-thriller, Identical. Albom delivers the Festival’s keynote address on Friday, with his latest book, The First Phone Call from Heaven. Alexander, a neurosurgeon, will fittingly close the Festival on Sunday, Feb. 16, with his personal nonfiction narrative, Proof of Heaven, which has been on the NYT best-seller list for 49 weeks.
blockbuster authors will speak at Trustees Theater in Savannah’s
Historic District. Tickets for headline events are $10 each and go on
sale Jan. 3, 2014 for SBF LITERATI members and Jan. 9 for the general
public. Tickets will be available from those dates through the Savannah
Box Office. For more LITERATI information click here.
40 other best-selling, debut and local authors will speak at venues in
Telfair Square during the Festival’s main day on Saturday, Feb. 15. All
Saturday events are free and open to the public. Robin Cook, Anita Shreve, Wally Lamb and A. Scott Berg are among the main day authors. For the complete list of awesome authors click here.
2. Purchase Books through the Festival
In addition to joining LITERATI,
one of the best ways to support the Festival and to attract top caliber
authors is to purchase their books at the Festival book tent and at
Trustees Theater during special events.
Guest authors, (who do not get paid to appear),
want exposure and they want to sell books. When you purchase their
books at the Festival, you validate their participation, encourage
future authors and have the opportunity for a brief face-to-face with
the author while your book is signed. Only books purchased through SBF
will be entitled to a signing card.
By Popular Demand! In past years, have you wanted to read a book before coming to the Festival to hear an author?
year you can preorder Festival books that will be credited to Festival
sales and include a signing card. For more information, click here.
3. Nicholas Sparks Fires Up Enthusiastic Fans Nicholas
Sparks, who sits atop the best-seller lists, exceeded expectations for
the 1,100 ticket holders at Trustees Theater last night. Sparks and WTOC
anchor Cyreia Sandlin delivered a lively conversation that covered everything from balancing family with writing to Miley Cyrus.
The eager audience also received the early scoop about the SBF’s 2014’s headliners and lineup, which you can find by clicking HERE.
Savannah Book Festival Inc., presented by Georgia Power, is an
independent, nonprofit corporation, led by a volunteer board of
directors. It is committed to celebrating the written word and to
offering all main day events free and open to the public. For more
information, please contact Executive Director Robin Gold at
912.598.4040,, or visit
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