
Showing posts from July, 2013

SWG Meeting: Tuesday August 13th

YES, we will be meeting Tuesday, August 13th at 7 PM at the Atlanta Bread Company! The Savannah Writers Group meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. I know sometimes there is confusion, but we do not meet "every other Tuesday", we meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month. Also, we had previously decided to cancel the August 13th meeting and have a Saturday social gathering instead, but that idea has been scrapped for now. In fact, let's discuss ideas for the summer social when we meet on Tuesday, August 13th! I'll see you there! Happy writing!

The NEW Hugh Howey Interview - From Lightspeed Magazine

Interview: Hugh Howey by The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy Published July 2013 | 8242 words Hugh Howey is a self-described “bum,” who for the past twenty years has bounced from job to job—computer repair, roofing, yacht captain, bookstore clerk. In his spare time he wrote science fiction, and after growing impatient with the long waits and uncertain rewards of traditional publishing, he began self-publishing his work on Just a few years later, his post-apocalyptic novel Wool , typed out in a storage room during his lunch breaks at the bookstore, was earning him over $100,000 a month on Amazon, had secured him a six-figure book deal from Simon & Schuster, and had been optioned for film by Ridley Scott, director of Blade Runner and Alien . This interview first appeared on’s The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast, which is hosted by John Joseph Adams and David Barr Kirtley. Visit to listen to the entire...

SWG Meeting: Tuesday, July 23rd

The next meeting of the Savannah Writers Group is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23rd at 7 PM. It will be held at the Atlanta Bread Company. Our own Edward Smith will be our speaker. Following the speaker we may have time to share our work! Remember to bring enough copies of anything you would like to share and please try to keep the length to 6 pages, double spaced. Fiction, non-fiction, any kind of written work is welcome! Bring your ideas for future programs and if you chose to work on your author's bio, we'd love to hear what you came up with.

Book Signings and Wool

We have an award winning author who will be visiting Savannah at a book signing this month! Award-winning author Pamela Fagan Hutchins sets off on a 60-city RV book tour this summer promoting her debut romantic thriller, the Amazon-bestseller Saving Grace , as well as the mid-summer release of the second novel in the Katie & Annalise series, Leaving Annalise. With a revolving lineup of offspring driving the RV and her one-eyed Boston terrier in tow, Hutchins will be traveling around the country hosting author events at bookstores, meeting with book clubs and writers groups, and presenting on topics ranging from “Deliberate Creativity” to “What kind of idiot indie publishes, and how can I be one too?” The Katie & Annalise series kicks off with Saving Grace , which sweeps readers away to fall in love with a rainforest jumbie house named Annalise and Texas attorney Katie Connell who is as much a danger to herself as the island bad guys. Small Press Bookwatch rav...