
Showing posts from April, 2013

Guest Speaker Mike D'Ambrosio - May 14 SWG Meeting

We're proud to welcome guest speaker, Mike D'Ambrosio, a published science fiction novelist and screenwriter to the first meeting in May, which happens Tuesday, May 14th. The Savannah writers group meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM at The Atlanta Bread Company. D'Ambrosio is author of the Fractured Time Trilogy and Space Frontiers Series.He comes to us all the way from Philadelphia. Please check out his website. On a less serious note, here's something to make you smile:  

SWG Meeting, Tuesday, April 23rd

The next meeting of the Savannah Writers Group is Tuesday, April 23 at 7:00 PM at The Atlanta Bread Company. This will be an meeting devoted to sharing your writing – any format at all, so bring your writing in all its many facets. Remember to bring ten copies if you want written critiques. Hope to see you there!

SWG Meeting, Tuesday, April 9 - POETRY SLAM

The next meeting of the Savannah Writers Group will be at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, April 9 th , at the Atlanta Bread Company in the Twelve Oaks Shopping Center. Time to get busy! Our next meeting is a poetry slam! Bring your best iambic pentameter, haiku, free verse, anything your heart desires! From the serious to the silly, all are welcome! You may also bring a SHORT poem by another poet to share and discuss why you like it. Also, note that we will be having a speaker May 14 th . Mike D’Ambrosio is an accomplished writer of science fiction from Philadelphia. In addition, please bring at least ten copies of any  writing you wish to share. If you would like written feedback, please bring at least ten copies of the attached critique sheet. We look forward to seeing you there!