
Showing posts from February, 2013

SWG Meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 26

The next meeting of the Savannah Writers Group will be Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Atlanta Bread Company in the Twelve Oaks Shopping Center in Savannah. We will be planning the next program, so please bring your ideas. If you would like to share your writing for feedback, please print enough copies of your piece and the critique sheet to go around (ten each is suggested). We look forward to seeing you there!

February Stuff & Things - KA-BOOM!

Hello all. Firstly, I wanted to thank SWG Member, Eddie Alban, for presenting his discussion called "Why Write" at our last meeting. One of the many topics that came out during the conversation was self-publishing. I didn't remember until after the meeting something I'd learned on that subject. The question was, why wouldn't a literary agent or book publisher be thrilled to see your self-published book? The simple answer is this one. I'm the agent. I'm looking at your book and it's shiny cover. Why would I publish something that has already been published? I don't think we get how final that word published is. Your book has an ISBN and everything. You've released it to the world, like a bird with a broken wing who you have nursed and given back to the wild. You saw it fly off into the blue yonder. It's gone. No one is going to catch it to release it again. It happens. Just not very often. This reminds me, too, how careful w...

SWG Meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 12 - "Why Write?"

Please join us Tuesday, February 12th @ 7:00 PM at the Atlanta Bread Company in the Twelve Oaks Shopping Center in Savannah. Savannah Writers Group member Eddie Alban will lead us in a workshop discussion  entitled, “Why Write?” We will be considering such questions as why we write, what we get out of writing, which forms and genres appeal to us the most, to sell or not to sell and much more. As usual, i f you wish to share some of your writing after the presentation, please bring enough copies of your writing and the critique sheet (if you desire feedback). We have been averaging eight to ten attendees, so ten copies of each  is suggested.