Upcoming Events
A quick hop over to our "Calendar" page will show you what's on the agenda as far as upcoming events are concerned. Just to remind everyone of what's going on, I'll paste that information here, too.
Tuesday, June 12th:
We will finalize some business at this meeting. Please feel free to bring writing of a reasonable length to share with the group!
Tuesday, June 26th: GUEST SPEAKER
Suza Kates, author of paranormal romance will speak.
The local author specializes in romantic suspense novels. She’s currently working on the Savannah Coven Series, which follows the paranormal romances of different witches living in our fair city. She plans to complete nine books in this series
Tuesday, July 10th:
Tuesday, July 24th:
We will have a summer dinner party instead of meeting on July 24. Sally will make the reservation for 7:00 PM at The Exchange Restaurant and Tavern, 6710 Waters Avenue at Stephenson Avenue.
Tuesday, August 14th: GUEST SPEAKER
Jonah Cummings will discuss his new company, which deals with audio books/ learning. More on that later.
Tuesday, August 28th
And don't forget! If you have a blog or website you'd like listed here, please send me the link at shadowcat (underscore) sm (at) hotmail (dot) com , or at
sashathesilversable (at) yahoo (dot) com .
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