Crits for Water

Every once in a while in the publishing community, writerly folks get together at one website and auction their services for a good cause.

Just such an auction is going on now. It's called Crits for Water and you can check it out now by following the link.

How does it work?

Over at the website an author, editor, agent, or some such person offers a service.

Here are two examples:

Numero Uno:

Kicking off our adult fiction and non-fiction month is the Evil Genius Andrew Shaffer, the cackly and clever mind behind the upcoming satire Fifty Shames of Earl Grey. He is offering a critique of the first 2500 words of any adult non-fiction book proposal.

Numero Dos:

Rounding off the Romance month of April (a little extra, ’cause it’s awesome) is multiple RITA-Award winning Sherry Thomas, whose new historical Beguiling the Beauty releases today (so excited!!). Sherry also has a young adult fantasy series that will hit the shelves starting Fall, 2013. She is offering to gently skewer the first three chapters of a romance (any sub-genre) or a young adult MS.

Numero Dos is open now and scheduled to close at 11:59pm, Eastern Daylight Time, May 2nd, 2012!

So, if you were itching to win just such a critique, you would wait until that particular auction went live (Shaffer's is open now until 1:59pm, Eastern Daylight Time, May 3rd, 2012), and then you would comment on the post, leaving your monetary bid. 

The highest bidder by the close of that particular auction wins!
